We Are All Treaty People

Pen Pals

NLMFK encourages Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth to build relationships and make connections with each other by exchanging letters through their school either as individual students or as a class. You may already have a relationship established at another school whereby you could extend the invitation to become penpals or, as a class, you may peruse a map of your province (or outside your province) and choose a community at random!

How do I connect?

We have a list of growing communities and schools that want to connect. Search through our list or find your own connection online and encourage them to get involved. We have a starting letter that will help make your initial connections and if you ever need help along the way, we are an email away!

Multiple photos of letters and cards wrote from one kid to another as pen pals

Topics For Letter Writing

Tell about yourself and invite your pen pal to do the same!

  • What are your favourite pastimes?
  • Do you have siblings? Do you have pets?
  • What is your favourite colour?
  • Favourite food?
  • What is something fun that you like to do at school? Favourite subjects? E.g. I am learning to… I am good at …

Where are you from?

  • On what Treaty territory do you live?
  • What is the population of your community?
  • What is the population of your school?
  • What are some of the most popular, healthy pastimes for youth in your community?
  • What are special traditions that take place in your community?
  • Name 1 or more admirable and positive role models that live or have lived in your community? Why are they admired?

Sample Letter

February 14, 2021

Dear Friend,

Hello! How are you? My name is Benjamin Paul. I live on Treaty 6 Territory. On what Treaty Territory do you live? I am a Gr. 6 student at St. Dominic School in Humboldt, Sk. There are 24 students in my class.

I enjoy playing hockey, going fishing and playing the saxophone. The name of my team is called the Humboldt Ice Dogs. Many of my friends play road hockey after school. Do you have any hobbies?

I would love to hear back from you!

Your friend,

Benjamin Paul